Our Website Process

Lisa Markovich, CEO Website Designs By Lisa

Lisa Markovich, Owner

You may be on this page because you are curious or are a new client.

All are welcome!  If you have any questions please reach out.

Overview Of Our Website Process

Working with our process determines the best outcome allowing us and you to stay on track.

You are guided through all that goes into designing your website.  You are never left out of the development process and can call anytime.

You are taken through the beginning stages, provided with updates to the design, and prepare for the finalization before launch.

During this process, we will discuss other aspects such as setting up analytics, payment gateway, email, chatbot, images, content, and more.

We have an “Additional Services” once your site has launched.  Check it out.

The Beginning


A complimentary consultation is scheduled to see if we are a good fit for you and your business.


We talk about your visions and goals for your website


An estimate is prepared and sent to you


We schedule a 20 min follow-up to go over the estimate


A follow up is generally not need unless there are changes

Next Steps for a Website


If you agree to the estimate, a contract is prepared and sent for review


If necessary, we schedule a 20 min follow-up to go over the contract


As part of our process once the contract has been signed and returned, the agreed amount discussed for a retainer fee will be invoiced to you


Begin gathering all information needed for your website

Website Information

What Is Needed


A hosting account. If you already have a hosting account great. If not, we highly recommend Dreamhost.com. It's inexpensive and has all you need to get started.

Protect Your Intellectual Property - Tip #5 MM Website Design

A domain name for your website / URL - if you have one great. Dreamhost gives you a free domain for a year


We then set up our timelines for providing me with your information (content, images, logo, login information to your server and all information outlined in the contract). Timelines are also set for working on the site and completion


We schedule a 20 min follow-up for any questions you may have (if needed)


In order for the design process to begin, all information requested, must be submitted

During The Design Of Your Website


Scheduling Zoom meetings during the design process is best


You are involved with the development of your website


Design Begins


We send a quick draft for review to ensure the direction of your site is meeting your vision


We schedule a 20 min follow-up to discuss the draft and any changes


The development of your website continues. You will see the progress as it's designed and can schedule a 20 min meeting to go over anything, anytime


Basic SEO, meta description and, meta tags are implemented


Once the site has been completed, tested on all devices and all corrections have been made, it's almost time to launch


We schedule a 20 min follow-up to discuss the final steps

Now What?

Going Live!


20 min meeting for one last review of your site


Your site goes live to the online world


Remain mindful that your website is one of your best marketing tools - be sure to use it


Share your URL everywhere to drive traffic to your site


When you post a blog, post it to social media along with a link to the post on your website - drives traffic


Review your analytics at least two times a month and keep track of it


Maintain your website monthly and add new images and content for SEO


Once the site has been launched, ongoing services packages are available


If necessary, we schedule a 20 min follow-up to go over the contract

Following the Process will make for a better outcome and a faster turnaround.  You will have a website that showcases your business with credibility, professionalism, trust, true to your own voice and ready to show it off!

NOTE: If you have questions or concerns about your current or new website, please give us a call



Additional Service


Website Maintenance Once Your Site Has Launched


Website Maintenance is an important aspect to keeping your website healthy and providing your users with the best possible experience


An estimate is prepared and sent for review


If you agree to the estimate a contract will be prepared for your review


You have the option to pay monthly or annually (discounted)


Once the contract has been signed we schedule a 20 min meeting to discuss finalization of your maintenance plan


Maintenance begins on a date that best suits you for monthly auto payments.


If content updates are requested and you have the Full Website Maintenance Package, you will have access to your Google Drive folder and can add any updated content, images, explanation of placement


If you have any questions, you can call the office or schedule an appointment