Positivity Goes A Long Way

Positivity Goes A Long Way

  Being Positive Goes A Long Way   Hi.  This is Lisa.  CEO of MM Website Design.   I have seen the results of being positive.   I love helping people feel good whether with a smile, through affirmation, simply loving and my positive messages.   I have created this...
Are you posting too many ads on your social media?

Are you posting too many ads on your social media?

Subscribe To Blog Are you posting too many ads on your social media? Advertising for your business is great but are you overdoing it?  If you are posting too many ads on your social media, this may be a helpful article.   Sometimes writing a simple helpful post can be...
How I start my day

How I start my day

The key to working from home Written by Joe D’Eramo – Click to visit his blog for more great articles   One of the key pieces of camaraderie in working in an office is the morning arrival. Think of all the things you did to get to the point where you...

Don’t Work Hungry

Article written by Joe D’Eramo   You shouldn’t shop when you’re hungry as you are likely to purchase items you wouldn’t ordinarily buy. It’s similar when you work from home. Unlike a traditional office, you have access to every food item in your home. And that...
How I start my day

Can You Relate?

Subscribe To Blog     I’m sharing this great article I read written by Shannon Giordano.  Shannon is a social media strategist and specialist.   I love how she moves along with her story and then provides a couple of great ways to weed through all the content we...
Are you being bullied in the workplace?

Are you being bullied in the workplace?

Subscribe To Blog Are you being bullied in the workplace?  It’s not okay! Throughout my life I’ve had encounters with people who were downright cruel. Mostly in the workplace. If you are being bullied in the workplace? It’s not okay!   Hi.  This is...
Group Networking

Group Networking

How Will Group Networking Help Your Business? Subscribe To Blog I found by attending group networking events, that it was one of the best ways to meet wonderful and business likeminded people like myself.   I also found that I was able to establish some great ongoing...

No Babysitting Allowed!

Subscribe To Blog Why You Should Never Baby-Sit Your Clients (And How To Avoid It)   “No Babysitting Allowed” is something I feel should be in the forefront of our minds when onboarding a new client. I was in the Babysitting seat at one point when I first...
No Vacancy Under A Rock

No Vacancy Under A Rock

We are sharing a great article, No Vacancy Under A Rock, written by Joe D’Eramo, who is one of the content writers on our team.     No Vacancy Under A Rock – Joe D’Eramo Has anybody else not heard of backup power sources?   Apparently, I...