Tips for New and Small Businesses - MM Website Design
Flexibility In Business - MM Website Design



Helpful Tip #2 – Flexibility


Miss Tip #1?  Check it out here

Flexibility in Business is several things.


For example, as a small business owner, you may offer several services or products.  So one way flexibility comes into play is seeing what is working best for your business.


Actively asking and listening to what you get for feedback from a client, or a customer can help you decide on how to move forward with your product or service.


If you are still holding on to that product or service that isn’t working – Let it Go!  You can always bring it back into action. Let’s talk about The Shift



The Shift


Being flexible, shifting your course of action, working with your clients and customers to fully understand their needs are all great ways you can be flexible. 


Also, changing your thinking and figuring out what you don’t need any more will be an easier decision when you shift.  It allows you to focus on what is working, what’s bringing in revenue, and help you put together a plan on how to expand on the product or service that’s working and add more value to it or more focus to it.  Listen to your clients/customers.


Last year I removed several of my services. I found it to be too much and could be confusing to my website visitors.  While I did not want to get rid of the things I loved to do like voiceover work, it was not working for my business. Did it make a difference that I re-evaluated my services and cleaned up my site?  Absolutely!

Is your startup business plan still working for you?


You may have had an amazing business plan in the beginning stages of starting your business, but over time things change.


My suggestion would be to take another look and perhaps reanalyze your business plan, your pricing and maybe even create a landing page and test it out against your current home page.  Before you try this A/B testing out, really think about all you’ve learned from your clients/customers, what works and how to capitalize on all of it!


Lastly, if you are noticing a decline in visitors to your website, it may be time to ask yourself what is causing this to happen.  Is it your content?  Is your site outdated, old looking?  Is it user friendly?  Is there too much information?  So many things can slow visitors to a website.  Food for thought.

Oh, the fear

Change can be scary!  But why not embrace it instead?  With flexibility and shifting, you may just surprise yourself at how easy it is to do and how it keeps your business on that continued path of success.

In conclusion…

If you have any questions, please let me know and thank you for reading my second helpful tip in my 20 helpful tip series.

Just remember, the more you know, the more you grow.


Tip Number Three coming out soon!